Two Clients and One Server

page test_twoclients


This example demonstrates two clients connecting to a single server. Each client sends messages to, and receives messages from, the server. The code is broken up into a function for the client and a function for the server. The client and server code first sets up the inbound and outbound message layouts then enters into a loop that repeatedly sends and receives messages using the defined layouts.


The message layouts in this example are trivial; only a single integer is being sent/receieved and the client and server only have a single process. For a more complete example discussing message layout see test_sendrecv.

Launching the client and server

A dummy RCBPtn object is created for construction of the Redev instance; the partition is not used for creating message layout arrays in the client and server code below. The ADIOS2 parameters for the BP4 engine (the default when isSST is false) are then set and passed into the functions for the client and server.

  //dummy partition vector data
  const auto dim = 1;
  auto ranks = isRdv ? redev::LOs({0}) : redev::LOs(1);
  auto cuts = isRdv ? redev::Reals({0}) : redev::Reals(1);
  auto ptn = redev::RCBPtn(dim,ranks,cuts);
  redev::Redev rdv(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ptn,static_cast<redev::ProcessType>(isRdv));
  adios2::Params params{ {"Streaming", "On"}, {"OpenTimeoutSecs", "6"}};
  if(!isRdv) {
  } else {
  std::cout << "done\n";

Client Setup

Client setup begins with creation of the redev::BidirectionalComm communication object via the call to redev::CreateAdiosClient. Note, the string for each created redev::BidirectionalComm must match in the Server and Client calls.

Given that the data being transferred is a single integer and each Client and Server is only running on a single process the data layout (dest and offsets) for the outbound and inbound messages are trivial.

The first outbound message has a single entry in the dest vector, 0, to specify that all messages are being sent to Server process zero. Likewise, the offsets array is set to {0,1} to denote that messages for the destination process start at position zero in the messages array and there is only a single entry (offsets[1]-offsets[0]=1-0=1). These vectors are passed into redev::AdiosComm::SetOutMessageLayout for the c2s (Client-to-Server) member of the commPair struct. As long as the layout remains the same, no additional calls to redev::AdiosComm::SetOutMessageLayout are needed.

As with the outbound message, the inbound message layout defines a single entry coming from Server process zero.. redev::AdiosComm::SetOutMessageLayout is called to retrieve the layout of the message that was just read with the call to redev::AdiosComm::Recv. Note, that these methods are called on the s2c (Server-to-Client) member of the commPair struct.

  std::stringstream clientName;
  clientName << "client" << clientId;
  auto commPair = rdv.CreateAdiosClient<redev::LO>(clientName.str(),params,static_cast<redev::TransportType>(isSST));

  //setup outbound message
  std::cout << "sending to server\n";
  redev::LOs dest = redev::LOs{0};
  redev::LOs offsets = redev::LOs{0,1};
  commPair.SetOutMessageLayout(dest, offsets);

  //first outbound send
  redev::LOs msgs = redev::LOs(1,42+clientId);

  //first inbound message from server
  std::cout << "recieving from server\n";
  auto msgFromServer = commPair.Recv();
  auto inMsg = commPair.GetInMessageLayout();
  REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.offset == redev::GOs({0,1}));
  REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.srcRanks == redev::GOs({0}));
  REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.start == 0);
  REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.count == 1);
  REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(msgFromServer[0] == 1337+clientId);

Server Create Clients

In the Client code only a single redev::BidirectionalComm is needed. As there are two Clients, the Server must call redev::CreateAdiosClient twice; once for “client0” and again for “client1”.

  auto client0 = rdv.CreateAdiosClient<redev::LO>("client0",params,static_cast<redev::TransportType>(isSST));
  auto client1 = rdv.CreateAdiosClient<redev::LO>("client1",params,static_cast<redev::TransportType>(isSST));

First Inbound Messages

As was done in the Client code when receiving a message from the Server, the message layout is retrieved and checked that it defines a single entry coming from process zero of each Client. This sequence is repeated for both the message coming from each Client using the respective redev::BidirectionalComm c2s (Client-to-Server) struct member.

  std::cout << "recieving from client0\n";
  auto msgs0 = client0.Recv();
    auto inMsg = client0.GetInMessageLayout();
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.offset == redev::GOs({0,1}));
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.srcRanks == redev::GOs({0}));
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.start == 0);
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.count == 1);
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(msgs0[0] == 42);

  std::cout << "recieving from client1\n";
  auto msgs1 = client1.Recv();
    auto inMsg = client1.GetInMessageLayout();
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.offset == redev::GOs({0,1}));
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.srcRanks == redev::GOs({0}));
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.start == 0);
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg.count == 1);
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(msgs1[0] == 43);

First Outbound Messages

Now that the first ‘Forward’ messages (Client-to-Server) have been received the layout of the ‘Reverse’ messages (Server-to-Client) can be constructed using the data returned from the call to redev::AdiosComm::GetInMessageLayout. But, given that this example is only sending and receiving a single redev::LO between Client and Server, the layout of the Reverse message is hardcoded. See the wdmapp_coupling documentation for an example that constructs the Reverse message layout for data associated with an unstructured mesh.

As with the outbound messages from the Client to the Server, the call to redev::AdiosComm::SetOutMessageLayout only needs to be made once for each Server-to-Client (s2c within the client0 and client1 commPair objects).

  std::cout << "sending to client0\n";
  redev::LOs dest = redev::LOs{0};
  redev::LOs offsets = redev::LOs{0,1};
  client0.SetOutMessageLayout(dest, offsets);
  redev::LOs msgs = redev::LOs(1,1337);

  std::cout << "sending to client1\n";
  client1.SetOutMessageLayout(dest, offsets);
  msgs = redev::LOs(1,1338);

Client Loop

With the outbound message layout setup for each Client-to-Server Send a loop over communication rounds is entered that reuses that layout. The round first packs and sends a message to the Server (using the c2s member of the commPair struct) then receives a message from the Server (using the s2c member).

  for(int iter=0; iter<3; iter++) {
    std::cout << "iter " << iter << "\n";
    //outbound message to server
    redev::LOs outMsg = redev::LOs(1,42+clientId);
    //inbound message from server
    auto msg = commPair.Recv();
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(msg[0] == 1337+clientId);

Server Loop

The Server loop over communication rounds begins by receiving messages from the Clients (via the client[0|1].c2s objects) then sends messages back to the Clients (via client[0|1].s2c).

  for(int iter=0; iter<3; iter++) {
    std::cout << "iter " << iter << "\n";
    //inbound messages from clients
    auto inMsg0 = client0.Recv();
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg0[0] == 42);
    auto inMsg1 = client1.Recv();
    REDEV_ALWAYS_ASSERT(inMsg1[0] == 43);
    //outbound messages to clients
    redev::LOs outMsg0 = redev::LOs(1,1337);
    redev::LOs outMsg1 = redev::LOs(1,1338);